How Four Ashes is continuing to help George Taylor fulfil his boyhood dream!

To many, aspiring golfer George Taylor has it made. George, who started his golfing journey at Four Ashes as a young schoolboy, is currently on a golf scholarship at the UIW university in San Antonio, Texas, and aspires to make the grade on the professional golf circuit. By his own admission, he’s in ‘Golf Heaven’!

That said, he still looks forward to coming home to Solihull. To see friends and family, and to enjoy some home comforts, of course. And to head off to Four Ashes Golf Centre, for some one-to-one coaching from PGA Teaching Pro, Russell Heritage.

It was at Four Ashes 10 years ago that George, now 21, was first introduced to the golf. He clearly had a natural aptitude, and it wasn’t long before he was playing local tournaments. Such was his enthusiasm for golf, he stopped playing football, and decided that playing the game of his choice full-time was his destiny. Indeed, so determined is he to fulfil that dream, he left home and headed to the United States three years ago.

On return visits, he would head over to Four Ashes to practice, and then started having lessons with Russell in a bid, as he put it, “to take my game to another level”. The partnership has become so successful, that George is citing Russell’s contribution to the rapid progress he is now making.

We just clicked, and everything started to fall into place

“It was two years ago, and I was struggling a little,” explained George. “I knew Russell, as I’d worked at Four Ashes when I was at school, doing odd jobs. He also taught my dad, and it was to Russell that I turned to, as someone I thought could take a look at my overall game and help me work on improving it.

“We just clicked, and suddenly everything started to fall into place – so much so, that when I went back to the States I was in a much better place,” he said. “Now, every time I come home, one of the first things I do is organise my sessions with Russell.

George, who is studying for a chemistry degree as well as playing golf at university, is currently home until the end of August, and has become a regular face around Four Ashes since his return last month.

“I’ve two more years to go until I finish at UIW, and it goes without saying that my ambition is to earn a place on the European PGA Tour, and this scholarship I’m on is giving me the best chance to achieving it.

He works very hard, and is starting to see the the benefits

“The coaching, the facilities…everything’s fantastic, and I’m in golf Heaven, and working with Russell when I’m back home is just so productive and helpful, and his input has been enormous,” he said.

Russell, meanwhile, has the utmost respect for George in return. “He is a great lad, who works very hard, and is starting to see the benefits of that pay off, as he’s reduced his handicap to 3, but is capable of more, and it’s a pleasure working with him.

“We have recently been working on his swing, implementing some changes which will help aid his game, and offer him the consistency he has been searching for,” he said. “I love his attitude, and I really hope he can go all the way in the game, because I know how much it means to him.”

And it all started with lessons at Four Ashes when he was a boy!